#!/usr/bin/env python3

pre_commit_check.py - Formatting, Lint, and Unittests

This script runs a series of checks that should all pass before submitting a pull request. In a perfect world, these would also pass before every commit. The checks are detailed in Pull requests.


These are listed in the order prescribed by PEP 8.

Standard library



Third-party imports


Local application imports

from test.ci_utils import xqt


def checks():

Run this first, since it’s quick and should always succeed.

        "black --check .",

Do this next – it should be easy to fix most of these.

        "flake8 .",
        "mypy --install-types --non-interactive",

Next, check the docs. Again, these only require fixes to comments, and should still be relatively easy to correct.

Force a full build:


Don’t use a saved environment (the structure caching all cross-references), but rebuild it completely.


If given, always write all output files.

        "sphinx-build -E -a . _build",

Finally, unit tests – the hardest to get right.

        "pytest -v",


Coverage Reports

The command coverage html will generate a test coverage report showing the lines of code that were executed (or not) by the tests. This is a great report to help figure out what new tests should be written to keep our coverage near 100% You can view the report by opening test/htmlcov/index.html in your browser.

if __name__ == "__main__":