pyproject.toml - Poetry configuration

See to get an understanding of how poetry specifies dependencies.

Project metadata

name = "bookserver"
version = "1.1.14"
description = "A new Runestone Server Framework"
authors = ["Brad Miller <>", "Bryan A. Jones <bjones AT ece DOT msstate DOT edu"]
license = "MIT"
readme = "README.rst"
documentation = ""
include = ["deployment/*"]


aioredis = "^2.0.0"
async-timeout = "^3.0.0"
celery = {extras = ["redis"], version = "^5.0.0"}
python = "^3.8.0"
fastapi = "^0.68.0"

Per the uvicorn docs, install the standard (as opposed to minimal) uvicorn dependencies.

uvicorn = {extras = ["standard"], version = "^0.17.0"}

See the poetry docs.

gunicorn = {version = "^20.0.0", markers = "sys.platform != 'win32'"}
Jinja2 = "<3.1.0"
aiofiles = "^0.8.0"
alembic = "^1.0.0"
python-dateutil = "^2.0.0"
fastapi-login = "^1.7.0"
pydal = ">=20210215.1"
python-multipart = "^0.0.5"

asyncpg v. 0.25 has a bug. Stay at v. 0.24 until it’s fixed.

asyncpg = "^0.24.0"
SQLAlchemy = "^1.0.0"
aiosqlite = "^0.17.0"
redis = "^4.0.0"
runestone = "^6.0.0"
pyhumps = "^3.0.0"
bleach = "^4.0.0"
multi-await = "^1.0.0"

Development dependencies

black = "~= 22.0"
console-ctrl = "^0.1.0"
pytest = "^6.0.0"
flake8 = "^4.0.0"
sphinx-rtd-theme = "^1.0.0"

Needed for the --install-types --non-interactive flags – see the mypy release notes.

mypy = "> 0.910"
coverage = "^6.0.0"
tox = "^3.0.0"
selenium = "^3.0.0"
PyVirtualDisplay = "^2.0"
polling2 = "^0.5.0"
pytest-asyncio = "^0.17.0"

See After some testing, Poetry v.1.1.6 allows both runestone to be specified in the dependencies as a PyPI package and here in the dev dependencies as a local install, and will prefer the local install here. The local install is necessary, since the tests aren’t in the PyPI Runestone Components package.

runestone = { path = "../RunestoneComponents", develop = true }
pytest-env = "^0.6.0"

This is a Runestone Components dependency that’s needed when testing PostgreSQL.

psycopg2-binary = "^2.0.0"

This is used by VSCode for Python refactoring

rope = "^0.21.0"


See scripts.

bookserver = 'bookserver.__main__:run'

Poetry backend

requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

pytest configuration

minversion = "6.0"

Ignore source code produced by Sphinx. This happens because the source text for literate programming pages is a source file. Use short tracebacks since the default longer tracebacks produce too much noise.

addopts = "--ignore=_build --tb=short"

The pytest-env plugin sets these environment variables. Set them here, before imports, since bookserver imports read from the environment variables.

env = [

The default logging level of INFO produces a LOT of output. Use a higher level of WARNING to reduce the noise.

log_cli_level = 30

All async tests use the pytest-asyncio framework.

asyncio_mode = "auto"

ignore_missing_imports = true