– Define validation for endpoint query parameters

This file contains the models we use for post requests and for type checking throughout the application. These object models should be used wherever possible to ensure consistency



These are listed in the order prescribed by PEP 8.

Standard library

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import isoparse
from typing import Container, Optional, Type, Dict, Tuple, Any, Union

Third-party imports

from pydantic import BaseModel, BaseConfig, create_model, constr, validator, Field
from humps import camelize  # type: ignore

Local application imports



Schema generation

Change the BaseModel.from_orm method to return None if the input was None, instead of a class full of variables set to None.

class BaseModelNone(BaseModel):
    def from_orm(cls, obj):
        return None if obj is None else super().from_orm(obj)

Enable ORM mode.

    class Config:
        orm_mode = True

This creates then returns a Pydantic schema from a SQLAlchemy Table or ORM class.

This is copied from then lightly modified.

def sqlalchemy_to_pydantic(

The SQLAlchemy model – either a Table object or a class derived from a declarative base.

    db_model: Type,

An optional Pydantic model config class to embed in the resulting schema.

    config: Optional[Type[BaseConfig]] = None,

The base class from which the Pydantic model will inherit.

    base: Type[BaseModel] = BaseModelNone,

SQLAlchemy fields to exclude from the resulting schema, provided as a sequence of field names. Ignore the id field by default.

    exclude: Container[str] = tuple(),

If provided an ORM model, get the underlying Table object.

    db_model = getattr(db_model, "__table__", db_model)

    fields: Dict[str, Union[Tuple[Type, Any], Type[BaseConfig]]] = {}
    for column in db_model.columns:

Determine the name of this column.

        name = column.key
        if name in exclude:

Determine the Python type of the column.

        python_type = column.type.python_type
        if python_type == str and hasattr(column.type, "length"):
            python_type = constr(max_length=column.type.length)

Determine if the column can be null, meaning it’s optional from a Pydantic perspective. Make the id column optional, since it won’t be present when inserting values to the database.

        if column.nullable or name == "id":
            python_type = Optional[python_type]

Determine the default value for the column. Allow the id column to be null.

        default = column.default
        if callable(default):
            default = column.default()
        if column.default is None and not column.nullable and name != "id":
            default = ...

Build the schema based on this info.

        fields[name] = (python_type, default)
    if config:
        fields["__config__"] = config
    pydantic_model = create_model(str(, __base__=base, **fields)  # type: ignore
    return pydantic_model


class LogItemIncoming(BaseModelNone):

This class defines the schema for what we can expect to get from a logging event. Because we are using pydantic type verification happens automatically, if we want to add additional constraints we can do so.

    event: str
    act: str
    div_id: str
    course_name: str
    sid: Optional[str]
    answer: Optional[str]
    correct: Optional[Union[bool, int]]
    percent: Optional[float]
    clientLoginStatus: Optional[bool]
    timezoneoffset: Optional[int]
    timestamp: Optional[datetime]
    chapter: Optional[str]
    subchapter: Optional[str]

used by parsons

    source: Optional[str]

used by dnd

    min_height: Optional[int]

used by unittest

    passed: Optional[int]
    failed: Optional[int]

used by timed exam

    incorrect: Optional[int]
    skipped: Optional[int]
    time_taken: Optional[int]

class AssessmentRequest(BaseModelNone):
    course: str
    div_id: str
    event: str
    sid: Optional[str] = None
    deadline: datetime = Field(default_factory=datetime.utcnow)

    class Config:
        json_encoders = {
            datetime: lambda v: v.isoformat(),

    @validator("deadline", pre=True)
    def time_validate(cls, v):

return datetime.fromisoformat(v)

        return isoparse(v)

@validator(“deadline”) def str_to_datetime(cls, value: str) -> datetime:

System Message: ERROR/3 (/home/docs/checkouts/, line 146)

Unexpected indentation.

# TODO: this code probably doesn’t work. try:

System Message: ERROR/3 (/home/docs/checkouts/, line 148)

Unexpected indentation.

deadline = parse(canonicalize_tz(value)) # TODO: session isn’t defined. Here’s a temporary fix # tzoff = session.timezoneoffset if session.timezoneoffset else 0 tzoff = 0 deadline = deadline + timedelta(hours=float(tzoff)) deadline = deadline.replace(tzinfo=None)

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/, line 154)

Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

except Exception:

# TODO: can this enclose just the parse code? Or can an error be raised in other cases? raise ValueError(f”Bad Timezone - {value}”)

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/, line 157)

Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

return deadline

class TimezoneRequest(BaseModelNone):
    timezoneoffset: int

class LogRunIncoming(BaseModelNone):
    div_id: str
    code: str
    errinfo: str
    to_save: bool
    course: str
    clientLoginStatus: bool
    timezoneoffset: int
    language: str
    prefix: Optional[str]
    suffix: Optional[str]
    partner: Optional[str]
    sid: Optional[str]

Schemas for Completion Data

class LastPageDataIncoming(BaseModelNone):
    last_page_url: str  # = Field(None, alias="lastPageUrl") is the manual way
    course_id: str = Field(None, alias="course")
    completion_flag: int
    last_page_scroll_location: int

todo: this should really be an int


We can automatically create the aliases!

    class Config:
        alias_generator = camelize

class LastPageData(BaseModelNone):
    last_page_url: str
    course_name: str = Field(None, alias="course_id")
    completion_flag: int
    last_page_scroll_location: int
    last_page_chapter: str
    last_page_subchapter: str
    last_page_accessed_on: datetime
    user_id: int

class SelectQRequest(BaseModel):
    selector_id: str
    questions: Optional[str]
    proficiency: Optional[str]
    points: Optional[int]
    min_difficulty: Optional[float]
    max_difficulty: Optional[float]
    not_seen_ever: Optional[bool]
    autogradable: Optional[bool]
    primary: Optional[bool]
    AB: Optional[str]
    toggleOptions: Optional[str]
    timedWrapper: Optional[str]
    limitBaseCourse: Optional[str]

class PeerMessage(BaseModel):
    type: str
    sender: str
    message: str
    broadcast: bool