- Define the BookServer

docs to write: notes on this design. question: Why is there an empty module named


These are listed in the order prescribed by PEP 8.

Standard library

import datetime
import json
import os
import traceback
import socket

Third-party imports

from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, status
from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse, JSONResponse
from pydantic.error_wrappers import ValidationError

Local application imports

from .applogger import rslogger
from .config import settings
from .crud import create_traceback
from .db import init_models, term_models
from import init_graders
from .routers import assessment
from .routers import auth
from .routers import books
from .routers import rslogging
from .routers import discuss
from .session import auth_manager

FastAPI setup

setting root_path: see root_path; this approach comes from github.

kwargs = {}
if root_path := os.environ.get("ROOT_PATH"):
    kwargs["root_path"] = root_path
app = FastAPI(**kwargs)  # type: ignore"Serving books from {settings.book_path}.\n")

Install the auth_manager as middleware This will make the user part of the request request.state.user See FastAPI_Login Advanced





Defined here

async def startup():

Check/create paths used by the server.

    os.makedirs(settings.book_path, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(settings.error_path, exist_ok=True)
    assert (
    ), f"Runestone appplication in web2py path {settings.runestone_path} does not exist."

    await init_models()

async def shutdown():
    await term_models()

If the user supplies a timezone offset we’ll store it in the RS_info cookie lots of API calls need this so rather than having each process the cookie we’ll drop the value into request.state this will make it generally avilable

async def get_session_object(request: Request, call_next):
    tz_cookie = request.cookies.get("RS_info")
    rslogger.debug(f"In timezone middleware cookie is {tz_cookie}")
    if tz_cookie:
            vals = json.loads(tz_cookie)
            request.state.tz_offset = vals["tz_offset"]
  "Timzone offset: {request.state.tz_offset}")
        except Exception as e:
            rslogger.error(f"Failed to parse cookie data {tz_cookie} error was {e}")
    response = await call_next(request)
    return response

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

class NotAuthenticatedException(Exception):

auth_manager.not_authenticated_exception = NotAuthenticatedException

Fast API makes it very easy to handle different error types in an elegant way through the use of middleware to catch particular exception types.

def auth_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: NotAuthenticatedException):

Redirect the user to the login page if not logged in

    rslogger.debug("User is not logged in, redirecting")
    return RedirectResponse(url=f"{settings.login_url}")

See: for more details on validation errors.

def level2_validation_handler(request: Request, exc: ValidationError):

Most validation errors are caught immediately, but we do some secondary validation when populating our xxx_answers tables this catches those and returns a 422


    return JSONResponse(
        content=jsonable_encoder({"detail": exc.errors()}),

async def generic_error_handler(request: Request, exc: Exception):

Most validation errors are caught immediately, but we do some secondary validation when populating our xxx_answers tables this catches those and returns a 422

    rslogger.error("UNHANDLED ERROR")
    date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y_%m_%d-%I.%M.%S_%p")
    with open(f"{settings.error_path}/{date}_traceback.txt", "w") as f:
        traceback.print_tb(exc.__traceback__, file=f)
        f.write(f"Error Message: \n{str(exc)}")

alternatively lets write the traceback info to the database! TODO: get local variable information find a way to get the request body without throwing an error on await request.json()

    await create_traceback(exc, request, socket.gethostname())

    return JSONResponse(
        content=jsonable_encoder({"detail": exc}),