- Serve pages from a book

docs to write: how this works…


These are listed in the order prescribed by PEP 8.

Standard library

from datetime import datetime
import json
import os.path
import posixpath
from typing import Optional

Third-party imports

from fastapi import APIRouter, Cookie, Request, HTTPException
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, HTMLResponse, RedirectResponse
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound
from pydantic import constr

Local application imports

from ..applogger import rslogger
from ..config import settings
from ..crud import (
from ..models import UseinfoValidation
from ..session import is_instructor


Setup the router object for the endpoints defined in this file. These will be connected to the main application in - Define the BookServer.

router = APIRouter(

shortcut so we don’t have to repeat this part


groups all logger tags together in the docs.


Options for static asset renderers:

  • StaticFiles. However, this assumes the static routes are known a priori, in contrast to books (with their static assets) that are dynamically added and removed.

  • Manually route static files, returning them using a FileResponse. This is the approach taken.

for paths like: /books/published/basecourse/_static/rest. If it is fast and efficient to handle it here it would be great. We currently avoid any static file contact with web2py and handle static files upstream with nginx directly; therefore, this is useful only for testing/a non-production environment. Note the use of the path` type for filepath in the decoration. If you don’t use path it seems to only get you the next part of the path /pre/vious/next/the/rest.


TODO: make published/draft configurable

async def return_static_asset(course, kind, filepath):

Get the course row so we can use the base_course We would like to serve book pages with the actual course name in the URL instead of the base course. This is a necessary step.

    course_row = await fetch_course(course)
    if not course_row:
        raise HTTPException(404)

    filepath = safe_join(
    rslogger.debug(f"GETTING: {filepath}")
    if os.path.exists(filepath):
        return FileResponse(filepath)
        raise HTTPException(404)

Runestone academy supported several additional static folders: _static|_images|images|_downloads|generated|external There must be a better solution than duplicating this code X times there is probabaly some fancy decorator trick but this is quick and easy. TODO: Routes for draft (instructor-only) books.

async def get_image(course: str, filepath: str):
    return await return_static_asset(course, "_images", filepath)

async def get_static(course: str, filepath: str):
    return await return_static_asset(course, "_static", filepath)

PreTeXt books put images in images not _images – oh for regexes in routes!

async def get_ptximages(course: str, filepath: str):
    return await return_static_asset(course, "images", filepath)

Umich book uses the _downloads folder and :download: role

async def get_downloads(course: str, filepath: str):
    return await return_static_asset(course, "_downloads", filepath)


async def get_generated(course: str, filepath: str):
    return await return_static_asset(course, "generated", filepath)


async def get_external(course: str, filepath: str):
    return await return_static_asset(course, "external", filepath)

Basic page renderer

To see the output of this endpoint, see http://localhost:8080/books/published/overview/index.html. the course_name in the uri is the actual course name, not the base course, as was previously the case. This should help eliminate the accidental work in the base course problem, and allow teachers to share links to their course with the students.

    methods=["GET", "POST"],
async def serve_page(
    request: Request,
    course_name: constr(max_length=512),  # type: ignore
    pagepath: constr(max_length=512),  # type: ignore
    RS_info: Optional[str] = Cookie(None),
    mode: Optional[str] = None,
    if mode and mode == "browsing":
        use_services = False
        user = None
        use_services = True
        user = request.state.user
        rslogger.debug(f"user = {user}, course name = {course_name}")

Make sure this course exists, and look up its base course. Since these values are going to be read by javascript we need to use lowercase true and false.

    if user:
        logged_in = "true"
        user_is_instructor = await is_instructor(request)
        serve_ad = False
        logged_in = "false"
        activity_info = {}
        user_is_instructor = False
        serve_ad = True

    course_row = await fetch_course(course_name)

check for some error conditions

    if not course_row:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Course {course_name} not found")

The course requires a login but the user is not logged in

        if course_row.login_required and not user:
            rslogger.debug(f"User not logged in: {course_name} redirect to login")
            return RedirectResponse(url="/runestone/default/accessIssue")

The user is logged in, but their “current course” is not this one. Send them to the courses page so they can properly switch courses.

        if user and user.course_name != course_name:
            user_course_row = await fetch_course(user.course_name)
                f"Course mismatch: course name: {user.course_name} does not match requested course: {course_name} redirecting"
            if user_course_row.base_course == course_name:
                return RedirectResponse(
            return RedirectResponse(

    rslogger.debug(f"Base course = {course_row.base_course}")
    chapter = os.path.split(os.path.split(pagepath)[0])[1]
    subchapter = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(pagepath)[0])
    if user:
        activity_info = await fetch_page_activity_counts(
            chapter, subchapter, course_row.base_course, course_name, user.username

The template path comes from the base course’s name.

    templates = Jinja2Templates(
    course_attrs = await fetch_all_course_attributes(
    rslogger.debug(f"HEY COURSE ATTRS: {course_attrs}")

TODO set custom delimiters for PreTeXt books ( Books built with lots of LaTeX math in them are troublesome as they tend to have many instances of {{ and }} which conflicts with the default Jinja2 start stop delimiters. Rather than escaping all of the latex math the PreTeXt built books use different delimiters for the templates templates.env is a reference to a Jinja2 Environment object try - templates.env.block_start_string = “@@@+” try - templates.env.block_end_string = “@@@-”

    if course_attrs.get("markup_system", "RST") == "PreTeXt":
        rslogger.debug(f"PRETEXT book found at path {pagepath}")
        templates.env.variable_start_string = "~._"
        templates.env.variable_end_string = "_.~"
        templates.env.comment_start_string = "@@#"
        templates.env.comment_end_string = "#@@"
        templates.env.globals.update({"URL": URL})

enable compare me can be set per course if its not set provide a default of true

    if "enable_compare_me" not in course_attrs:
        course_attrs["enable_compare_me"] = "true"

    reading_list = []
    if RS_info:
        values = json.loads(RS_info)
        if "readings" in values:
            reading_list = values["readings"]

TODO: provide the template google_ga as well as ad servings stuff settings.google_ga

    await create_useinfo_entry(
            sid=user.username if user else "Anonymous",
    subchapter_list = await fetch_subchaptoc(course_row.base_course, chapter)

TODO: restore the contributed questions list questions for books (only fopp) that show the contributed questions list on an Exercises page.

    context = dict(
        user_id=user.username if user else "",

root_path: The server is mounted in a different location depending on how it’s run (directly from gunicorn/uvicorn or under the /ns prefix using nginx). Tell the JS what prefix to use for Ajax requests. See also setting root_path and the FastAPI docs. This is then used in the eBookConfig of runestone/common/project_template/_templates/plugin_layouts/sphinx_bootstrap/layout.html.

        new_server_prefix=request.scope.get("root_path"), if user else "",
        downloads_enabled="true" if course_row.downloads_enabled else "false",
        allow_pairs="true" if course_row.allow_pairs else "false",
        is_instructor="true" if user_is_instructor else "false",
        use_services="true" if use_services else "false",

See templates.

        return templates.TemplateResponse(pagepath, context)
    except TemplateNotFound:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail=f"Page {pagepath} not found in base course {course_row.base_course}.",

async def crashme():
    a = 10
    b = 11  # noqa
    c = a / (11 - 11)  # noqa


This is copied verbatim from

_os_alt_seps = list(
    sep for sep in [os.path.sep, os.path.altsep] if sep not in (None, "/")

def URL(*argv):
    return "/".join(argv)

def XML(arg):
    return arg

This is copied verbatim from

def safe_join(directory, *pathnames):

Safely join directory and one or more untrusted pathnames. If this cannot be done, this function returns None.


the base directory.


the untrusted pathnames relative to that directory.

    parts = [directory]
    for filename in pathnames:
        if filename != "":
            filename = posixpath.normpath(filename)
        for sep in _os_alt_seps:
            if sep in filename:
                return None
        if os.path.isabs(filename) or filename == ".." or filename.startswith("../"):
            return None
    return posixpath.join(*parts)

async def fetch_subchaptoc(course: str, chap: str):
    res = await fetch_subchapters(course, chap)
    toclist = []
    for row in res:
        rslogger.debug(f"row = {row}")
        sc_url = "{}.html".format(row[0])
        title = row[1]
        toclist.append(dict(subchap_uri=sc_url, title=title))

    return toclist